Thursday, 27 January 2011

THE husband

After a hard,emotional,long,exhausting day and I ask my incredible husband for a 5min break(which of course turns into a 15min break) and I hear him talking to,sorting out,feeding,dealing with our very grumpy daughter I am amazed at his energy with her. I hear the most hilarious things, he comes up with strangest things...and I just smile from another room and realise I'm incredibly lucky. I would not survive this journey without him (obviously even more so when things have been so tough in the past few weeks) but he is incredible.I praise God for His choice for me!

Thursday, 20 January 2011

This creature is toooooooo cute!

tI wanted to get some pics of Katelyn on the move and she just looked so cute and chuffed with herself rolling and rolling around!

therapies therapies everywhere...

Can be so overwhelming going off to all these physio's, checkups, appointments...some near, some far. I know each one is so worth it, but its soon time to consolidate. For me to consolidate what we're focussing on and what we're learning...and what Katelyn's trying to do and focus on that. Because everything has been so chaotic and all over the place, now its time...2011...time to consolidate.
So I do need to learn from other moms how to do this, the best way, to have a list of things we focus on, but I do also need to figure out whats going to work for us.
Just some of the things that need work:
 - Sitting, carrying weight on her arms, and giving her some feeling of crawling!
 - Talking....carry on the talking talking talking and all other social skills
 - Need to do more peek-a-boo and start some turn-taking - eventhough i think she's a bit off this we'v been encouraged by so many people to do it so we should get onto it!
 - lots of Stretching, holding, banging...learning there's a noise to some things and figuring out that the world kinda works and has responses
- SIGNING...lots of signing with our few initial signs we've started
....and a few other things...simple things...things that don't require much, but without proper structure its so easy to just focus on the gross motor skills and forget to talk to her or I need to do it for myself :)
I'm posting this so i look back on it to check up on myself...aim, by end of January to at least have a list up in the playroom!!!!

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

2011 and whats in store

I still feel like I haven't yet connected with what Gods plan for my year is, for a mini me list of the things I want to do / make this year...possibly because i literally dont have any time to myself. I need to steal time from somewhere, but i dont know where. Because we're back to having terrible terrible nights with Katelyn, I'm so exhausted that my 5:30 start time for the day is just impossible that i try and get back into bed and get another 30min or so  sleep once she's had her bottle. In the day, if i do anything, then she's just lying on the floor entertaining herself (or moaning which she does alot of lately) - and hardly very good for any development (ok, besides the fact that she's rolling around sooooo much that i cant leave her too long else she could literally be in another room!)

Anyway, I'm inspired by some of the other blogs that I follow - I know they dont have help around the house etc, and lots of them have other kids too, I just don't know how they do it! I need time for me to read, rest and exercise...desperately!

So, here's to figuring 2011 - i was praying and trusting that this year won't be about survival as 2010 was for us, but that it'll be about moving on from that space and being able to have capacity for other things, for being intentional about people, things, us, development etc. I'll try be gracious with myself and allow myself until the end of January to have grabbed a few moments to work on it...but I need to, moving on is essential, and its going to be a much more fruitful space to be in.

Where I do start, is knowing how good God is, that His plan is higher than mine...and thats what I want insight into, not my plan, but His.

**maybe i should start off by praying that God will give K the ability to sleep for longer than 30min....that'll be a GREAT start!**

Some updated pics of our little *must make parents exhausted* champion...

Aunty Leigh ready to take me onto the boat

Di prepare to soon be holding another baby in her arms!

some morning sun on oupa's wooden floors

Some time with daddy in the pool!

my new *floation aid*!!!!!

being spoilt with love on christmas day

Saturday, 1 January 2011

New year

If your memories are bigger than your dreams then you're in big trouble...
Now that's a facebook status that keeps me thinking and is powerful. Thanks MR for the great comment