Friday, 26 October 2012

Need more stimulation mom...

She is growing up. Quickly. 

I totally under-estimate her, I am realising slowly that she's not a baby and doesn't want to only play with rattles! I'm having to get my act into gear and treating her like a child who can comprehend things, pick up things, adapt to things, play with sophisticated 'toddler' toys. Its been a long time coming - and maybe with the busy-ness of life, I've known this for a good few months but haven't really put anything into action. 

Because she's not physically changing like a normal child would and would naturally move towards new and different toys, exploring things that she wants to explore...the 'watching her grow up approach' - I'm having to 'guess' along the way of what she would be doing and trying to make where her mind is going come alive for her. Attempting it..should I say! 

But her friends are teaching her (and me!) along the way. So its time to find her a bike / trike / something that moves that will work, to find some 'clever', real-life scenario toys, get her drawing, play-doughing, talking (ok babbling more), learning animals, signing more..

Lets hope some fun 'playing' pictures to follow :)