Wednesday, 27 July 2011

16 months

16 months! Can't believe it. 

She's started SIGNING!!!!!!!!!! She's now doing the daddy and mommy sign - wow, a big improvement since this post  on how we were so close yet so far. Its still very much work in progress, she can copy the two signs pretty well, but now we've got to work on her grasping the full meaning of the word with the action. So now for more parental discipline in continuing to add more signs (I've been so slow on this one!) and be consistent. 

She's still only sitting. Half attempting to bring her legs up beneath her, but her shoulder girdle strength and arms are just not quite there to help her along. But when she's put in 'all fours' position, she can last a while now if she gets to concentrate on something. She is however much more stable sitting up, and is doing great with reaching and grasping objects around her. 

Her verbal / social / communication skills are coming on nicely. She's generally very chatty, aware, interactive - loves to watch birds, kids, anything moving around her. 

BUT...the most incredible thing, is how she's becoming a little podge pie! How it took us 15months of struggling, and all of a sudden in one month her cheeks are bulging, her arms fattening up nicely and her tummy a seriously cute little pot-belly! Hoping it's all a good thing for her up-coming heart check-up. 

Here some recent pics of her activities (and those chubby cheeks!):

Playing with my friend Charlie...

At the beach with mom...she forgot my hat, so I had to use this one

I love playing with my shadow, moving my arms up and down and watching it move!

Playing in the morning sun on our weekend away

Playtime, so mom and dad could look at the view

They say my cheeks are getting round

and even rounder a few days later...

Welcoming the guests

laughing at dad

Thursday, 7 July 2011

Ready for the weekend

Treating ourselves to a long weekend after a very long 8 weeks...

Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

One Year Ago

Dear Katelyn,

One year ago, I left you in the doctors arms and had to walk away from a hysterical you. The next time I saw you, machines were keeping you alive. A year later, we're one heart operation down and hopefully just one more to go.

On that hospital bed, 3 months old, 4.2kg', you're busting through at 8.1kg's-you go girl! You've muscled up-sitting so beautifully, getting so good at sign language, you love people and your smile and excitement is contagious and you're just an incredible delight to your Daddy and I and many others.

So, as I think back to this significant time a year ago, its hard to forget sitting in ICU and the ward with you and to not to dread the operation that lies ahead but I can't ignore where we are now, praise God for it and we commend you. You're an incredible fighter, things don't come easily to you, you have been through so much and very rarely complain - you just carry on surprising me...everyday.

I know that God has His perfect timing for your next operation, so until then...enjoy those vanilla milkshakes that help you get fat [ cos promoting getting fat won't last forever - and it's costing me a fortune :) ], and here's to getting closer to crawling, signing and so much more!

I love you, 

Saturday, 2 July 2011

Tonsillitis, German

What a week...

Dad had just started getting better (after 3weeks) towards the end of last week. Then mom felt something coming on, by saturday night Daughters temperature was high, sunday night even on monday = Tonsillitis - antibiotic required.
Mom coughs all night. Tuesday,Dad moves to spare room for the week. By wednesday evening,a rash appears on Daughter's stomach-doc not worried, Thursday she's miserable the entire day, Friday doc diagnoses-German Measles.
So, a weekend in for us.
Poor little body!! She's still so cute though!